The first step to your life is to manage your calorie intake and also check out your calories output.
count down your daily calories intake by googling it. This is the first step to your fat loss journey.
After that check out your maintenance calorie. Once you have found out your maintenance calorie,
your half work is completed. You must have to eat 100-200 less calorie from your maintenance calorie. You can see the results after few weeks. Just be patience and do your work.
You can find your maintenance calories with the help of an app called myfitnesspal.
Do check out.
Do post your queries in the comment section.
count down your daily calories intake by googling it. This is the first step to your fat loss journey.
After that check out your maintenance calorie. Once you have found out your maintenance calorie,
your half work is completed. You must have to eat 100-200 less calorie from your maintenance calorie. You can see the results after few weeks. Just be patience and do your work.
You can find your maintenance calories with the help of an app called myfitnesspal.
Do check out.
Do post your queries in the comment section.