Fats have highest number of calories. 1gm of fat is equal to 9 calories. Fats are of two types: 1. Saturated fats 2. Unsaturated fats 1. Saturated fats are the worst fat. These fats are very dangerous for health. These fats are responsible for blocked nerves. These fats should be consumed in a limit. Over dosing these fats for longer period can harm your heart. Saturated fats can be consumed only about 18-20gms in a day not more than that. Saturate fats can be found in whole milk, leg piece of chicken, eggs, oils, red meat,etc. You should control your saturated fat. 2. Unsaturated fats are the healthy fats. These fats should be consumed daily in a moderate number according to your calories. These fats can reduce the risk of heart attack, blockage, heart failure. These fats can be found in nuts, almonds, peanuts, flex seed. So you should consume more healthy fats. #WATCH OUT YOUR FAT INTAKE#
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